Duration of project: 2015 – 2017
Lead partner: TANDEM, Cooperativa Sociale
Project website:
Project partners:
– Enat- European Network for Accessible Tourism
– Generalitat de Catalunya
– HOTERC umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes in Europe
– ASM, Market Research and Analysis Centre
– INCIPIT CONSULTING; Cooperativa Sociale
– PREMIKI zavod za svetovanje, promocijo in razvoj dostopnega turizma Ljubljana
APP TOUR YOU aims to test new models of training in accessible tourism and information targeted to small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs in the field of tourism. Through a blended learning experience, motivated tourism entrepreneurs are becoming tutors to other peers. They help other business leaders share their experiences in the following phases of the project.
Key activities:
– educational programme on accessible tourism for SME representatives, who become tutors
– educational and vocational training for tutors
– development of application MOOC, Massive Open Online Course, to gain the basics of accessible tourism
– development of application to estimate the accessability features of objects and structures
– implementation of MOOC
This project is co-funded by European programme Erasmus plus. This publication reflects the views of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of information contained therein.
Duration of project: 2016 – 2017
Lead partner: INCIPIT CONSULTING; Cooperativa Sociale
Project website:
Project partners:
BSC – Regionalno razvojna agencija Gorenjske
NMS – Narodni Muzej Slovenije
TANDEM – Social Cooperative
The city of SPOLETO
PREMIKI zavod za svetovanje, promocijo in razvoj dostopnega turizma Ljubljana
The objective of Across Lombards’ Lands project (A. L. L. project) is to develop and promote a transnational accessible tourist product for all based on a common European heritage i.e. the Longobards, who shaped the spiritual and cultural development of Europe between the end of the Roman empire and the Middle Ages while they migrated from the northern to southern Europe.
Itineraries and tour packages of selected Lombard destinations in Italy and Slovenia have been developed, taking into account the accessibility requirements in all segments of the supply chain and involving the local public authorities and small and medium size businesses.
Key activities:
– analysis of the market to identify the potential users of the ‘Lombard” tourist product,
– mapping and analysing Lombard heritage sites to arrange selected destinations and tourist-related services,
– meeting local stakeholders to raise awareness on the value of the Lombard heritage and the economic potential of accessible tourism,
– education and training on accessible tourism to improve the skills of the staff,
– assessing the accessibility of tourist facilities and cultural heritage sites along the selected routes and designing database to store the information gathered,
– developing “Lombard itineraries and tour packages for ‘’all” in collaboration with public authorities in charge of tourism and the local small and medium size businesses,
– using new digital technologies to release multimedia information and create a narrative of the Lombard history, which is to be accessed through a system of QR codes located alongside and the website,
– designing strategy on how to advertise and market such transnational tourist products.
This project is co-funded by European programme Cosme. This publication reflects the views of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of information contained therein.
Contract number.: 699425-A.L.L.-COS-TOUR-2015-3-04/COS-TOUR-2015-3-04-1
Project duration: 2015 – 2018
Leadni partner: KAZUIST, spol.s.r.o.
Project website:
Project partners:
TANDEM – Social Cooperative
ENAT – Euroepaen Association for Accessible Tourism
PREMIKI zavod za svetovanje, promocijo in razvoj dostopnega turizma Ljubljana
Elevator is a project of partner cooperation, exchange of experiences, good practices and mutual learning in the field of adult education in accessible tourism. The project aims to inhance the quality of human resources and services in tourism. It raises the awareness of how important accessible tourism is, addressing the participants to take initiative and become active members, creators and carriers of changes in the field of tourism and educational centres.
– inhance the quality, efficiency and relevance of education on accessible tourism,
– improve access to education in accessible tourism for individual learnes,
– raise the awareness of accessible tourism.
Key activities:
– comparative analysis of accessible tourism training intended to inform about existing educatonal programmes, tools and conditions for accessible tourism training,
– educational materials and resources for tourist guides,
– Accessible Tourism Pocket Guide
This project is co-funded by European programme Erasmus plus. This publication reflects the views of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of information contained therein
Duration of project: 2014 – 2017
Lead partner: Non-profit organisation EPIC, Slovakia
Project partners:
– Občina Spišský Hrhov, Slovakia
– Otevřená společnost, o.p.s., The Czech Republic
– ZAVOD Premiki, Slovenia
– NOMADA, Poland
– EPIC Charity, Scotland
The objective of the project is to create a database of skills and knowledge, available to all municipalities which would like to establish and run a municipal social entreprise and employ people of socially marginalized groups (i.e. long-term unemployed Gipsies) in the area. The first school curriculum and the educational and training programme on the subject of municipal social business have been created here.
The focus of the project lies on municipal social entrepreneurs in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, through which the municipalities could receive and disperse the knowledge and skills needed to establish municipal social businesses.
Key activities:
– educational and training programme on municipal social business,
– implementing and monitoring the educational and training programmes in real life situations,
– it is recommended that social municipal business should be implemented with greater care as it is the most important tool for for the employment of unqualified and unskilled workers.
This project is funded by European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of information contained therein.
In cooperation with the Association of Tourist Guides of Slovenia, free guided tours for people with special needs were organised in Ljubljana and Nova Gorica on February 21, the International Day of Tourist Guides. Amost 400 people participated and they were pleased, as there are not many opportunities to get acquainted with Ljubljana or other destinations in an adjusted way. Due to the extraordinary interest, we are planning to expand the campaign to several Slovenian locations in the coming year.
European Destinations of Excellence, EDEN initiative was launched in 2006 by the European Commission to promote development of sustainable tourism across the member states. This initiative draws attention to the values, diversity and common features of selected European tourist destinations. The main characteristics are the commitment to social, cultural and environmental sustainability of tourism and the main objective of the EDEN initiative is to spread the sustainable practices onto the emerging, little-known tourist destinations of Europe.
This quest for excellence is developed around an annual theme. In 2018 the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana was ranked second in the category Access City Award, while in 2015 Ljubljana won the third place in the same category. Two years earlier Ljubljana had been noted for access achievements in public transportation and infrastructure.
See more:
Evocate was an international project within Leonardo da Vinci vocational education and training programme. The partners of this project were from Great Britain, Italy, Turkey and Germany. Our aim has remained the same: to improve vocational education for people working in tourism. In addition, we are exploring the possibilities to introduce accessible tourism into educational system at all levels.
More info:
Obstacle-free, secure and easier daily routine for people with specific needs can be achieved in different ways. Usually, by using various aids or by means of adjusted infrastructure, or both. Unfortunately, such measures are mostly carried out in urban areas. This was also the case in the Goriško region, where the local communities, supported by our Institute, made a step forward – into nature. Accessible tourist offers of the Banjško and Trnovo plateaus have been developed in the project Disabled-friendly plateaus.
See more:
In project Turag4all Slovenian Association for Mental Health, the lead partner, established and designed the operation of this Institute in 2010, which in a year acquired the current status of a tourist agency, specialising its operations in the field of accessible tourism.
Several employment opportunities for people from vulnerable groups were created, as ten individuals were trained during the project, and three were recruited for a period of one year. Thus, the employees of vulnerable groups are not only the users of services, but also active creators of the tourism- for- all services.
The project was implemented within the government operation programme on development of Human resources for the period 2007 – 2013.
We provide accessible tourist services for people with specific needs. Accessible features are beneficial to everybody, therefore, we provide services ”for all”.
If you decide to travel with Premiki, you make a socially responsible purchase. All the profits go back to the promotion and development of accessible tourism.
Our tourist offer is a result of experiences gained in European projects on accessible tourism.