Premiki, Institute for counselling, promotion and development of accessible tourism has been established for all, including travellers with various disabilities or impairments, which result in different specific needs. We believe in the concept “tourism for all”, whereby disabilities, age and other circumstances are merely challanges on the way to create a better, more inclusive and equitable everyday life as well as the right to enjoy free time and holidays in a manner each person finds most suitable and satisfying.
We follow our vision by applying the concept ”tourism for all” into practice and by raising public awareness of accessible tourism. We understand the economic impact of this industry in Slovenia and globally.
Since 2010 we have been active in this field in Slovenia and abroad, putting the needs of our customers first. Our expertise, professional approach and co-operation with selected providers will underline our activities in future.
Our services in counselling, promotion and development of accessible tourism are aimed to benefit people with specific needs, their families and friends.
Our activities are based on the concept ”tourism for all”, whereby disabilities, age and other circumstances are merely challanges on the way to create a better, more inclusive and equitable everyday life.
Operating as a non-profit organisation, giving the profits back to the society, we are focused on sustainable tourism and people with specific needs, their families and friends.
Responding to the market needs, we create a disabled-friendly network of providers from accommodation to all other products and services for travellers with specific needs.
ŠENT, Slovenian Association for Mental Health, the founder of Premiki received the Erste Foundation Award for innovation in 2009. Premiki was awarded the prestigious Ulysses award for innovative approach in tourism by the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations in 2011.
We operate as a travel agency and provide tourist services for everybody. However, we specialise in the services for people with specific needs. We are accredited to issue the disability-friendly certificates and we provide education and trainings on accessible tourism.
Social entrepreneurship is related to socially responsible activities, which should not be measured by profits only, but rather by positive effects on every person and society as a whole.
Premiki, Institute for counselling, promotion and development of accessible tourism operates according to the principles of social entrepreneurship since it was established in 2010. Non-profit organisation, social responsibility and employing people with specific needs are some of the principles upon which our vision is built.
We provide accessible tourist services for people with specific needs. Accessible features are beneficial to everybody, therefore, we provide services ”for all”.
If you decide to travel with Premiki, you make a socially responsible purchase. All the profits go back to the promotion and development of accessible tourism.
Our tourist offer is a result of experiences gained in European projects on accessible tourism.